Wednesday 15 December 2010

Normal service will resume shortly

Phew! Saturday saw my last craft event of the year ( hooray ). It ended with a run of 5 events in a row, something I usually try to steer clear of but is unavoidable at this time of year. Needless to say the last few weeks have been a bit of a making marathon, trying to replenish stock before the next fair or 'At Home'. 

These little 'angels' are one of my best sellers. Unfortunately they also take a bit of time to make. I feel as if I have spent the last 4 weeks glueing on hair and cutting out wings.

A Host of Angels 

A homespun angel

A calico angel

An organza angel
So now I can put the glue away and leave the scissors to wait patiently with the Christmas wrapping paper while I catch up on a months worth of housework. Aaarghh!

When C.P.Snow came up with an easy way of remembering the three laws of thermodynamics I'm sure he was talking about housework.

1. You cannot win
2. You cannot break even
3. You cannot get out of the game

There are times when I have considered opening up my house to the scientific world as a perfect example of the second law of thermodynamics. In this closed system there definitely is a tendency to randomness and chaos!

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